Saturday, September 3, 2011

one of those restless days

I don't know if it's just me or if everyone has them... those restless days where you can't figure out what to do, where to go, what music to listen to, etc. Today is one of those days...

I was maybe going to go to the city on a tour, but it is supposed to be stormy this afternoon/evening and for some reason I don't want to go on their tour... I want to go on my own kind of tour. That, and it's expensive and I am a crazy penny pincher right now.

I feel like I need an artistic outlet, or organizing frenzy, or cooking day, BAH I can't figure it out...

It's really weird being here some days, I feel so isolated even though I'm gaining friends and a knowledge of the area. I still feel alone and out of place here.

This last week was orientation and classes start Monday which is really scary and exciting. Orientation was awesome and I took full advantage of it. Turns out I am 1 of 4 incoming grad students instead of 6 which is how many there have been the last few years. 3 of us are from the first audition and 1 from the second audition (which was twice as large). All the ladies seem really cool and we've kind of stuck together this first week to figure everything out.

All 4 of us are VERY different, which is important and cool: Heather is from South Carolina, Sabrina from Miami, and Marisa from Brooklyn. I am the only west coaster in the graduate dance program, I believe. So I will definitely be different.

My roommate Emily is also super awesome and is an incoming grad student in Poetry which is perfect.

All in all I am really happy about school so far and my class schedule is finalized and a lot crazy. Well finalized is also relative since we still have to figure out our own studio time, 2 personal rehearsals, and a meeting once a week with the program director on top of that

Basically I am taking a full load of 4 lecture courses, then 9 dance classes on top of that, then studio time, rehearsals and meetings as well.

I guess today I will start on my readings for the grad seminar 1 and maybe work on my memory book or read or work on an art project... who knows. But if you have suggestions please let me know.

update... apparently it was a case of the "mean reds" and Breakfast at Tiffany's was the cure needed

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