Then I started thinking about presence and what it means to me, what it meant in France, what type of presence was needed for different situations. Specifically I thought about the stuggle in France between wanting to be noticed and having a strong presence and times when you'd rather be invisible and just blend in.
I thought about the fact that presence can also be a lack of presence not just the actual being of it. Therefore I began to play with ideas like in France I knew only a few phrases that really came in handy:
Je ne comprend pas or I don't understand
Je ne sais pas or I don't know
Je ne parle pas francais or I don't speak any french
Je parle francais un peu or I speak french a little
Je veux/je voudrais or I want/I would like
Bonjour/Bonsoir/Au Revoir or good day/good evening/good bye
oui/non, d'accord, pardon, desole, s'il vous plait/merci or yes/no, ok, excuse me, sorry, please/thank you
That was the presence I had and knew. I used them to grab attention when I needed help, or to blend in so people would think I was French. These were my tools I used them in every function imaginable. Most of the time I was a chameleon I tried to slip through the cracks appear French or European at least. I never wanted to be that American or the ugly American, stereotypes were my worst fear.
That is as far as I am in my discovery of presence in my life so far, but I will keep updating the thought process.
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