Sunday, January 31, 2010

Presence part 2

So I've been contemplating my nugget quite a lot lately and I keep thinking about my time in France and the effect that it had on my views of life and my way of living, specifically the awareness of self. I realized very quickly that I can never be anyone but my true self; therefore I should explore all the parts of me. The soul and/or spirit are ever changing and I found that every day I realized something new, sometimes it completely conflicted something I had just learned about myself.

Being unable to speak French and communicate through language opened another opportunity to communicate through facial expressions and movement. I had a lot of time in France to contemplate and think things through. I internalize naturally when I process new information or ideas. I don't like to share what I'm thinking or feeling I'd rather work through it alone and then share my conclusion (maybe). Especially if it makes me uncomfortable or vulnerable.

I keep thinking about presence and how each person's interacts, do they? I feel like presence creates those overwhelming instincts about people, almost like an aura that radiates. Some radiate more than others. Do we like to be around people that match our presence or do we like imbalance? Does an imbalance of presence create balance?

There was someone in France that had a presence, presence that I was addicted to. Sometimes it was great other times it was a nightmare. Which brought me to the idea of Charisma, is external charisma the same as presence? No because you can have a stern, commanding presence and not be at all charismatic. So, was it the presence of my friend's charisma that I liked? I don't know...

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