Birds Fled From Me . music video from Jono Schaferkotter on Vimeo.
I saw her at Boo Boos in San Luis a Couple of weeks ago and she was AMAZING and I really like her simple, honest style.
Birds Fled From Me . music video from Jono Schaferkotter on Vimeo.
I saw her at Boo Boos in San Luis a Couple of weeks ago and she was AMAZING and I really like her simple, honest style.
So I've been contemplating my nugget quite a lot lately and I keep thinking about my time in France and the effect that it had on my views of life and my way of living, specifically the awareness of self. I realized very quickly that I can never be anyone but my true self; therefore I should explore all the parts of me. The soul and/or spirit are ever changing and I found that every day I realized something new, sometimes it completely conflicted something I had just learned about myself.
The Intimacy Chonicles: joyeux, mon amis from Lauren Chertudi on Vimeo.
The Initmacy Chronicles: apologies from Lauren Chertudi on Vimeo.
The Intimacy Chronicles: Boxes and Curves from Lauren Chertudi on Vimeo.
The Intimacy Chronicles: C'est ma vie, Versailles from Lauren Chertudi on Vimeo.